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FIRST Long Island Social Media

While volunteering with FIRST Long Island I would advise on their social media content before taking over the social media accounts in 2024. Since taking over the accounts there has been over a 35% increase in followers and engagement across Facebook and Instagram.

Canon Social Media

While working at Canon, I worked as a social media and content specialist. Posting across Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter, I would come up with daily posts for the different 8 different groups I was working with. I design graphics, flyers, thumbnails, bumpers, short-form videos, and paid ad campaigns. Above are a few of the organic posts across different groups I created. Below are a few graphics created for a social campaign I created about Canon Solutions Services offered.

Below are a few examples of metrics, weekly and monthly reports I would create, as well as content calendars I would build and keep updated.

FIRST Team 5030

During and even after my time at SUNY Poly I worked as the social media manager at the university and for the robotics program I started, FIRST Team 5030, The Second Mouse, as well as the K-12 department. The program had high school students from across Central New York, including 10 different high schools and home-schooled students participate. The program run out of the college, tasks high school students with designing and building a robot in 6 weeks each year. Run like a small business, I oversaw the program and ran all aspects of it, trying to bring STEM education and activities to the next generation. Our program quickly intertwined with the school’s marketing efforts as I realized our goals aligned. We both wanted to bring students to the campus, to learn of SUNY Poly, and possibly join one of the many robotics programs we had open to high school students in the area.

In the Fall of 2013, the team was founded, with the social media account being created by myself in January 2014. 5030 would go on to be a team not just well known across New York in our program, but also recognized internationally and is considered one of the most underrated teams in FRC. While being the one in charge and mostly running the social media platforms, I also would teach students how to run a professional social media account, as well as run public relations and content creation including videos and flyers. Below are some examples of videos, graphics, and social media posts from over the years as well as links to our social media accounts. The program is currently on hiatus following the pandemic, but I am currently working with the Utica School District to bring the team back to their high school while remaining open to the community and anyone wanting to join.

The gallery above showcases a few posts and graphics created across our social media over the years. I also created various video projects including robot reveal videos, submissions for the Chairman’s Award, and the highlight video for the 2018 CNY Regional.

SUNY Poly Social Media

During my time at SUNY Poly, besides running the social media for Team 5030, I worked with the school’s marketing department. Since I worked with the K-12 department on all STEM events, and in admissions, I would routinely work on content for the universities social media channels, especially pertaining to the robotics programs. Our outreach programs intertwined constantly, as I was looking to get more local students involved in my robotics programs, and they were trying to reach a wider audience of prospective students to attend the university.

A few posts relating to 5030 and the Central New York Regional.

In the Fall of 2017, I joined the planning committee for the Central New York Regional for FRC. A part of my responsibility for the event was marketing and outreach, including building a webpage for the new event. I also promoted the event across social media and in the forums to keep people up to date and created a community for the event, leading to an increase in our volunteers for the events.

The first photo is from the 2018 CNY Regional webpage I built from scratch to showcase the event, this page served as the information hub for the event, providing resources to parents, students, volunteers, and sponsors. (I created the 2019 page before I graduated, and never had a chance to properly archive it.) The archived 2018 page can be found here.

The next photo is of the FRC page on SUNY Poly’s website, which showcases Team 5030 and provides resources for anyone looking to learn more about our program. The page can be found here. (I had worked on more pages, including the other robotics programs and the K-12 department, but they have since stopped being run at SUNY Poly and are now run by MVCC and the pages I made are no longer available.)

The last photo is from a press release I worked on with the communication director after the CNY Regional in 2018 about our team winning the event and moving on to the world championship event in Detroit. The press release can be found here.

A promotional flyer for the 2019 event recruiting volunteers. Similar flyers were made to invite spectators to the free event, and sent to sponsors and local schools.
After the event I created a highlight video, showcasing the event and used it to recruit potential sponsors, and volunteers and promote the university’s involvement.

Every year the SUNY System holds a Mascot Madness on social media. School mascots are pitted against each other in a March Madness-style bracket and the community votes on which schools should move on. In 2019 I worked with the social media department at SUNY Poly and created this visual bracket that would be updated and posted each week and created again for 2021 initially until someone at SUNY made their own version for social.

FIRST Long Island Branding

FIRST Long Island is a volunteer group that puts on FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) events on Long Island. Working alongside the program, I created graphics, and flyers and helped with social media and website rebranding tactics. (Website redesign in progress.) Below are a few examples of content created for digital and printed flyers/banners. Work on FIRST Long Island’s social media found here.

Besides working on event planning and communication, I also photographed the 2019 Central New York Regional, 2022 FIRST Long Island Regional, 2023 New York City Regional, 2024 Hudson Valley Regional, and 2024 FIRST Long Island Regional Events.

Robotics Data Visualization

In 2019 I created a Heatmap for team distribution in New York in relation to the number of FIRST Robotics Teams. (bottom map) I recreated a new version in 2023 showing the heatmap helping visualize the changes in the number of teams competing since Covid, with a 2024 version updating the changes.

Various Design Projects

A few different designs, rough ideas, or unused logos/concepts for client projects.

Screen Addiction Animation

Gif and image were made as a final project for my Information Design class. The animation or still image was designed to be used as a warning ad. One that can be eye-catching and informative to the struggles of technology addiction.

2019 CNY Regional Website

Following up with designing the website for the Central New York Regional in 2018, I worked on bringing a new design providing new information and a cleaner format. Since I graduated, I couldn’t edit the site directly (being hosted on the school network) so I designed a few mockups and rough designs to send over to the marketing department to implement.
Final mockup
Second Iteration

Class Projects

A few design projects from graphic design and information design classes.

Coke Ad – design a coke poster/ad in the style of an artist of your choice. I was copying the style of John Alvin, the designer who made many of the classic Disney posters. This was designed with the feel of the E.T Poster and Lion King Poster.

Feronei Cannoli – Design a logo for a small business, and I chose an Italian bakery to use a play on my name.

Bagel Boss – Full branding and marketing design project during grad school. I chose Bagel Boss, a local company, and designed a full branding guide, came up with a logo, and even a website design to follow the new remarketing and complete branding overhaul. the smaller logo would be the one used for social media with the larger being the main logo.

Chairman’s Award Video

The Chairman’s Award is the most prestigious award a team could win in our robotics program. It represents the team that others should emulate, and how they help embody the program. Spreading STEM into the community, and being role models to others. A video submission is required along with an essay for why your team is deserving of the award.

Video for the team I had started in college.
Chairman’s award submission for 2013. During senior year of high school, highlighting all the work we did in the community and beyond.

3D Modeling

Over the last decade, I have made many 3D models, for robotics and personal projects. Many of the projects would go through iterations to see the final item come to light through 3D printing or CNC machining. In 2015 many of our 3D printed parts, prototypes, and CAD (Computer Aided Design) models were included in a book published for the robotics season. FIRST Robots: Behind the Design featured teams across the globe and in-depth analysis of their robot. My team and students were featured for our use of 3D printing, rapid prototyping, and CAD design, especially when 3D printing was still not as commercially available and integrated. Since then, I used 3D modeling as a way to help teach other students, and create parts for myself or my friends.

The CAD model for the 2020 robot and the final robot before shutting down due to covid. The CAD model can be found here.

Following covid causing robotics to be put on pause, I worked with students in Rochester teaching them Onshape, which is a browser-based CAD program, allowing collaboration similar to Google Suite.

Gearboxes and a test frame designing during 2020, to teach Onshape and design new parts used on our competition robots. Test and 3 motor gearbox link. 2 motor gearbox link. The exercise was designing items the students have modeled before in other software, and creating new components while learning Onshape.

During the Summer of 2020, I designed a swerve module for FRC teams to use. During the Fall of 2020, students in Rochester built a prototype of the swerve modules and using the feedback provided a new version is currently being designed. Onshape Link.

blink-182’s Greatest Hits Vinyl

The design concept for a greatest hits vinyl for blink-182. The top image shows the outer sleeve with the bottom image representing a lyric insert or booklet.

This was an older concept done as a CD case for a class project a few years earlier. The car concept carried over which was a mashup of the artwork for the California and California Deluxe album covers.

Our Story Logo

Logo designed for an upcoming podcast called Our Story. The podcast features topics ranging from mental health, disabilities, religion, race, and more. Showcasing the world, the diverse group of people, and how everyone has a story to share. The final design is below.

Video Production Final

Our video production class final was to make a documentary. We made a mockumentary video about E-sports and professional gaming. The professor has shown the video for a few semesters after to showcase an example of going outside the box on the project and a different take on the assignment.


During high school, for robotics, I created a fully customized monopoly board inspired by the FIRST programs. The board and every card were designed and themed around different years’ challenges, and the player pieces were modeled after objects we used over the years with the robots. A few copies were printed and used as display materials as well as displayed at the FIRST Headquarters.

Mascot Madness

Every year the SUNY system puts on a March Madness-style bracket where the community votes on their school’s mascots to move on. I created a visually pleasing bracket to be posted to social media and would update it weekly.

2017 Camp Color War

Every year for our camp color war we would do a breakout event to announce the teams and the captains. For 2017 I filmed and edited a fun little video for the breakout. The theme was Captain America vs Iron Man following the Civil War movie.